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Selasa, 30 Julai 2013

the truth is.. we are happy with what we have.

Assalamualaikum and hye:)

how was your puasa so far? for me... Alhamdulillah.. tahun nie x selapar macam tahun-tahun yang dulu..ayat macam tahun2 sebelum tu perangai melantak aje (-_-')

don't know where to start because i think this post will be quite serious, i guess. have you ever think about what is your purpose in life? most people will have quite similar reasons.. to name ; to be success in life, to be happy with the one we love, to be showered by the bless oh Allah, etc. and i know it is good when we have those purpose as it somehow give strength to motivate ourself to be better.

but seriously,do you actually depends on your purpose of life or just keep on compete with other ? in other words, jealous makes you a better person. well, if it is.

i found it is  quite difficult to put this in words. things keep on lingering in my head but i just couldn't find the right words. hopefully, i will find it by writing in my dear blog.

i don't know about other people, but for me competing is a must. it is not necessary with other people, our own self sometimes could be the biggest competitor. To be frank i live my life competing with my own sel. i do not really care about other people competing each other. for me, setting my own benchmark, actually never eist? because once we've passed it, then we set another benchmark which is higher than before. it is like.. a never  ending process.

then i found myself very workaholic. which is good. and it comes with a package of anger and temper. which is not. that good.

after a while i realized that sometimes i need to stop and appreciate. be happy of what we have. stop competing ourself with anyone. He gave us to reach for a certain level for a reason. we never knew it was only a test from Him if we're too busy setting the benchmark or competing with others. so stop. analyze.. and appreciate things around us. for instance, being rich is not the solution of all problems. some people may have fewer money but their life is full of love from the family. some people may have fewer money but they still manage to lead a successful life. another example, always being the last in class doesn't mean it is the end of your life. maybe it is time for you to seek your innerself and let yourself do things that you actually love. or maybe, this is the last stage for you to keep on standing before you finally reach your ultimate success. well, good things come to those who waits, doesn't it?

the truth is.. we are happy with what we have :)

i did not said that we should completely stop competing is only for a while, a short break to appreciate and smile. to fill heart with small good things to be remembered along the way to success.

the end..

Nothing much

Hmm just felt like writing something. Even if you have all the skilled motivators and best friends around to help, but if you don't turn to Allah, nothing will be solved. That's a fact.

I kinda have a lot on my mind right now, and just want it all to be settled as soon as possible.
Thank you (^_^)

Jumaat, 10 Mei 2013

Hand Hygine Day...

happy hand hygine day to all staff KKM..

sebenarnye "hand hygine day" (HHD) 5/5/2013..

tp dissbkn 5.5.2013 adelah hari "PRU"

HHD ditundakan pade 10.5.2013..


moto hand hygine 2013

clean hands, save lives..


Selasa, 26 Mac 2013


beli buku byk2...


x taw nk bace yg mane satu....

sume nampak best je...


mase g eon bkt tinggi...
kak long dgn murah hatinye belanje adik2nye dkt CHATTIME..

Pas perjalanan terhad....

pas perjalanan terhad???

ape tu???

pas perjalanan terhad (ppt) tu sejenis dokumen yg diperlukan oleh seseorg yg duduk dkt semenanjung pergi berkhidmat ke SABAR or SERAWAK...
MACAM saye...he2..
ppt kene wat dkt pjbt imigresen..
macam pasport..
cume cover die wane biru..
cam gmbr dkt bwh..

nie la ppt saye...
nak wat ppt nie x mahal pun...
RM5 je utk tempoh mase 5 tahun...

Surat Posting...



pos laju dtg hntr surat dkt rumah...

mase bkk surat tu...


berdebar giler...







kenape tercampak jauh sgt...

last skali...

ape bley wat COBAAN...

Nurse shoes

cari kasut utk keje...

susah betul nak cari kasut putih...

last skali jumpe dkt kedai bata...

cantik,come lote kasut tu...


bertumit la plak...

kalau pakai kasut tu silap2 kene tegur dgn matron...huhuhu

Khamis, 14 Mac 2013


Khas untuk wira-wira negara yang sedang berjuang mempertahankan 
keselamatan negara.. 
Berjuanglah sehingga ke titisan darah terakhir demi
 agama, bangsa dan negara!

Sesungguhnya, perjuanganmu tidak ternilai harganya..
Kerana engkaulah penjunjung maruah negara
Pemegang amanah rakyat jelata
Di tanah tempat tumpahnya darah kita..

Andai engkau gugur, gugurmu bukanlah sia-sia
Gugurmu bak hilangnya seri bunga bangsa
Walau hilang di pandangan
Keseriannya tetap terpahat di ingatan

Wahai wiraku,
Jasamu tetap akan kami kenang
Walau engkau telah jauh dipisah alam.....

Pergilah berjuang untuk bangsa
Jangan ragu
Namamu tetap dipuja
Biar mati
Sebagai pahlawan yang sejati
Jangan undur
Jasamu kelak bertabur
Selamat kau pergi
Selamat kembali
Dengan hati suci
Dan tak takut mati
Menuju ruang ke medan perang
Jangan takut
Sebagai askar berjuang

Al-Fatihah buat pejuang-pejuang negara yang telah pergi...


What the meaning "NAMED" ???


-NOR'S-   = N

NOR AIN = A (ain)

NOR SYAMIMI = M (mimie)


NOR DIYANA = D (diyana)

me n my sister's

 Live..Love ♥ ..Laugh


friends are like BALLON, if you let them go, you'll 
never get them back ♥
 #thanks to all my friends because always support me#

Rabu, 13 Mac 2013

Life a.k.a Roda-roda

Memang betul kata orang

 Kehidupan itu seperti roda

 Tak selamanya kita di atas

 Tak selamanya kita di bawah

 Dan setiap kali roda itu berputar

 Fasa perubahan akan tercetus

 Lagi-lagi sifat manusia

 Tak ada benda yang mutlak dalam dunia nie...

Ahad, 10 Mac 2013

Sampul cadbury dah jadi kad kawen!!


kreatif kan? sangat catchy...

hope fully masa kenduri nanti tidaklah kita tersalah bawak kad kawen, kot-kot tertukar dgn sampul cadbury ke..hihi..yang bagusnya kad nie, kita takyah risau kalau terbuang sebab isinya simple dan tiada kalimah Allah, atau doa-doa untuk pengantin. bukan nak cakap kurang islamik, tapi itulah yg terbaik sebab kad kawen mostly orang akan campak dlm tong sampah. bayangkan ada kalimah Allah, atau petikan ayat Quran dalamnya? seharusnya dilupuskan dengan cara yang betul. so, better buat yg simple dan selamat..

I never changed, I just learned.

" Everyone has a secret they haven't shared, a past no one has heard about, and talents that people don't notice. Everyone has a weakness hidden inside, and everyone has a story left untold."
Sometimes, no matter how much you've tried to not fucked things up, eventually you will. When you tried so hard to fix things and trying to make it as perfect as possible, you'll end up losing every single thing you've tried for. And at some point in your life, you've decided to stop because some things aren't even worth it to hold on to even if you love the idea of living with it your whole life.
Bila orang kata,
Kita dah besar,sepatutnya kita makin matang. Tak semua manusia dalam masa silam kita, kita kena benci just because they broke your heart into tiny pieces that you took a hard time mending every piece of it. Ada orang kata, sudah sudahlah membenci. Kan lagi elok bila baik baik keadaan, tak huru hara. Hati, lagi rasa senang.
That's what I used to feel. The happiness within me when I didn't hold any single grudge towards anyone who put me through a hard time before. I feel at ease. Sedikit rasa hati berat untuk pandang ke depan pun tidak. But as what I'm trying to say here is,
Tak semestinya benda yang berkocak dah kembali tenang, ia takkan berkocak balik. Even, terus hanyut pergi dunia mana. Excuse my metaphor yang tak masuk akal langsung. But who cares,right.
Ada masa kadang kadang, kita cuba matangkan diri dan perasaan kita. Untuk berbaik dengan segala manusia yang pernah sakitkan kita, ("Not to win anyone back in our lives"). It's just that, kadang kadang, aku rasa hidup yang masih sakit hati dengan benda yang lepas tu yang menyiksakan jiwa. Might as well aku mencuba untuk baikkan keadaan.
Mungkin, Allah jawab juga permintaan aku. Untuk at least cuba. And I got the chance.
The only thing was, I tried so hard, one argument after another to keep things at least 'good'.

Selasa, 5 Mac 2013

Ex-Student JMP


EX-Student JMP....

Coming Soon as JM...


Wonderful Memories At Hoshas

Bile duduk dkt rumah, teringat kenangan mase buat praktikal dkt Hoshas with my fwenz...

Amik Cross dgn puan..


Cari kes study...

Buat Assingment...

Wat Dressing...

Conduct PT...

Kumpul Kes...

Kene marah dgn staff n patients...

macam2...mase praktikal rase penat je nak lalui sume tu...tp bile da habis blaja...rindu plak dgn sume tu...

 Dekat SCN..me n my juniors...

 group a july 2010

 bile xde patient..camne la kami..he2...

 promote drip...he2

 me n mirosha
(my bear ^_^)

menunggu mase nak balik...

 kak wawan begitu tekun skali membace...
(macam nie la kami sbg JMP bile nk amik cross dgn puan..he2)


 bambam!!!!i miss u so much bambam..

 mase rehat,kami cbuk bergambar..mknn tolak tepi...
al-maklumla...nk berpisah da dgn kawan2..

dkt depan bilik mayat kami sempat berposing lagi....
kellasss gitu...

oooooOOOOOooooOOOOhhhhhh my Dear Fwenz!!!!!
i really miss u so much....

HoSHAS & My Fwenzs


Ahad, 3 Mac 2013


Wanita ibarat epal..
Epal yang berkualiti amat mudah diperoleh kerna ia berguguran di tanah.. Tapi epal yang tak mampu dimiliki itu berada di puncak..susah digapai..
Terkadang epal itu risau kenapa dirinya masih belum dipetik lantas merendahkan martabatnya dan menggugurkan dirinya menyembah tanah.. Sedangkan dia telah diciptakn Allah begitu tinggi martabatnya sehingga tiada siapa yang bisa memetiknya.. Hanya pemuda yang benar-benar hebat sahaja yang mampu..
Mungkin bukan di dunia tetapi di akhirat yang pasti.. Biarlah jodoh bukan di dunia asalkan cinta Allah mengiringi..~
[Apabila terkuaknya pintu kejahilan, mencurah-curah hidayah masuk melaluinya..]

Thing to Begin with

"You are just like a stone. No expression – just like stones. No difference at all"
The stone.
Which one was it being referred to?
The one that can either push people towards the Heaven, or become one of the fuel in Hell. 
Or.. is it like the static one in the cave, that is going nowhere?
Then 'When you're lost and alone, you'll be sinking like a stone' runs through my head.
Urgh, I don't wanna lose. And I am not alone. (Never am I, right?)
Then I start walking again,
And a smile on my face.
For it is the exact thing to begin with.

aku BUKAN patung...

Kesedihan dan tangisan akan 
muncul apabila seseorang itu 
tidak lagi dapat bertahan ...

Sesungguhnya hati ini bukannya 
seperti boneka yang boleh dipermainkan 
dengan hati,perkataan dan perbuatan
oleh orang yang buta hati...

Andai cinta itu miliknya
Kenapa mesti wujud
 air mata dan kesedihan
di pipi seorang wanita yang 
gembira dalam percintaan...

Andai hati ini sudah tidak berharga
pulanglah ketempat asal
tanpa cinta dan sayangmu dan
Usah mengkhianati hati ini....

Mungkin bagimu..
Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna
tetapi percayalah ramai yang cuba untuk
menjadi sempurna bukannya mempermainkan 
hati wanita yang di sayangi...

Itu perkataan yang sesuai untukku padamu
Penat untuk aku menjadi mangsamu
penat untuk aku memaafkan kekhilafanmu 
Penat untuk aku memarahimu
Penat untuk aku menangis...

nota hati : Andai dia bukan jodohku. Kau pertemukanlah aku dengan milik tulang rusukku Ya Allah...